Monday, April 28, 2008

May 6: Pre-Trial Conference

All 9 of the defendants are being summoned to Vestal Town Court for a pre-trial conference with the office of the District Attorney on Tuesday, May 6th.

We'll know a lot more that evening about the DA's plans; is he going to play "hard-ball" and stick up for his friends in Blue, or look at the overwhelming evidence of excessive police force and drop these frivolous charges?

Only time will tell.

In the meantime, it's important to keep pressure on the DA's office to investigate the claims of excessive force being levied against the Vestal Police. The DA's contact info is posted here:

Tell him to take police brutality seriously and investigate thoroughly the accusations of undue force.



Ian said...

Yay for finally having a blog!!!...

Solidarity from Rutgers!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Andrew and others:

Do you want support at the pre-trial hearing? A demonstration of some sort, silent or otherwise, outside the courthouse?